Tiger Bites- Week of March 19th:

What an amazing and beautiful morning!  It looks like spring is here… the students are starting to get “itchy” with spring fever. There are several items that I would like to bring to your attention this week:

Kindergarten Schedule:  Tuesday/Thursday kindergarten students will be attending school on Friday of this week.

Book Fair Volunteers:  The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school April 16-20th.  The exciting theme for our spring 2012 Book Fair is Book Fair Luau: It’s a Reading Celebration!  We need volunteers to help put on a one-of-a-kind Book Fair.  We hope you will share your talents and join us as we bring this memorable reading celebration to our school.  If you have some time to help us plan or conduct our next Book Fair, please email at leannsmith@fuse.net  in order to volunteer for one of the following areas:

  • Setting up the Fair
  • Helping shoppers at the Fair
  • Cashiering
  • Packing up the fair

Teacher Award:  Congratulations to Mr. MacFarland who received Honorable Mention from a nomination received from his students this school year.  He will be honored on Saturday, March 31th by the Katie Haumesser Foundation.  Congratulations Mr. MacFarland for being recognized for the wonderful work that you do each day for Amelia’s students!

Mad Cap Productions:  Last Friday, students in grades pre, KDG, 1 and 2nd, were treated to a program put on by Mad Cap Productions.  This Thursday, the rest of the student body will enjoy the same performance of Jack and the Gentle Giant.  Much thanks to Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Burgess, and the PTA for bringing this opportunity to our students.

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Kindergarten Schedule for the Week of 2-6-12:

Monday/Wednesday kindergarten students will be in session on Friday, February 10th.

Have a wonderful week! 🙂

Flying Pig Kids’ Marathon:

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This morning, students in Kindergarten through 5th grade were excited to learn about the 2012 Flying Pig Kids’Marathon.  In collaboration with PTA, I have decided to bring this opportunity into Amelia in order to promote fitness, fun and healthy food choices.

The goal is to walk, jog or run the distance of a marathon (26.2 miles) in the months leading up to the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon in May.  Each student will receive a “HOG LOG” to be used to track each mile completed towards the marathon goal.  Miles will be done at school during recess or can be done with family and/or friends.  Always pick a safe place and never go out alone.

Students can complete the marathon distance by completing the final mile as part of the Cincinnati Flying Pig Kids’ Marathon26th-Mile Event on Saturday, May 5, 2012.  Experience the thrill of victory by crossing over the actual Flying Pig Marathon finish line.  All registered participants ($10.00 registration fee) will receive a finisher’s medal and a t-shirt for a job well done.

Feel free to learn more about the event at the following website:   www.flyingpigmarathon.com

HogLog_2012F    Click if you need an additional copy of the HOG LOG.

Red Ribbon Week: Celebrate with Us!

Red Ribbon Week brings millions of people together to raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Amelia Elementary is celebrating Red Ribbon Week on Monday, October 24 – Friday, October 28.


Monday, October 24: Kick-off to Red Ribbon Week; Wear Red!

Tuesday, October 25: “Put A Cap on Drugs”; Wear your favorite hat

Wednesday, October 26: “Follow Your Dreams, NOT Drugs”; Wear your PJs

Thursday, October 27: “Do Sports, NOT Drugs”; Wear your favorite sports attire

Friday, October 28: “Tie Down Drugs”; Wear a silly, colorful, fun tie



We can’t wait to see all the fun ideas!

Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

West Clermont Elementary School Supply List


Kindergarten and Grade 1:

  • 1 pair of blunt scissors
  • 1 package of glue sticks
  • 1 large eraser
  • 1 yellow highlighter
  • 1 box crayons
  • 1 package of dry erase markers
  • 1 box of tissues
  • 2 packages #2 pencils
  • pencil box or bag

Grades 2 & 3:

  • 1 pair blunt scissors
  • 1 package wide rule lined paper
  • 1 package eraser “pencil toppers”
  • 1 yellow highlighter
  • 1 package colored pencils or crayons
  • 1 package dry erase markers
  • 1 box of tissues
  • 1 package glue sticks
  • 2 composition books (no spirals)
  • 2 packages #2 pencils
  • Pencil box or bag

Grades 4 & 5:

  • 1 pair school scissors
  • 1 package eraser “pencil toppers”
  • 1 yellow highlighter
  • 1 package colored pencils
  • 1 package dry erase markers
  • 1 box tissues
  • 1 package of glue sticks
  • 2 packages wide rule lined paper
  • 2 packages #2 pencils
  • 3 composition books (no spirals)
  • Pencil box or bag

Lets Hear About Your Summer Adventures…

Happy Summer Amelia Students,

 I am hoping that you are having a wonderful summer.  I currently am on vacation with my husband, 10 year old daughter, 12 year old son and new puppy.  We have rented a RV and are traveling across the country exploring the western states.  We have been canoeing, caving, and camping.  I was in Missouri two days ago, Oklahoma yesterday and Texas today.  It is very hot here.  Today it was 105 degrees.

 I would love to hear about your summer.  Have you done anything fun or exciting?  Swimming, visiting family or vacationing?  Please reply to this post… Make sure that you ask for mom and dad’s permission before replying.  I am adding some photos of my dog, Lita’s vacation experience.  I thought that you would like to see her!  Enjoy!

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 I look forward to hearing about your adventures,

Mrs. Walker

Summer Reading and Writing Activities:

Dear parent and students,

After a few weeks into summer break, I find myself searching the internet for activities for my youngest daughter.  She will be entering 5th grade next school year and is already claiming that she had nothing to do.  I would like to share my findings in the event that you having  similar conversations.

Two areas that I will suggest to emphasize over the summer are journal writing and reading.  Maddie and I bought journals, decorated them and are designating times for short entries.  I am starting a journal as well in order to model the importance of writing.  I am sure that your child will think that this is a great idea!  Below are some journal ideas for both students and parents :)


1. Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn’t keep it. You had to give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it?

2. Describe one time when you were brave.

3. If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook? Describe the meal and tell how you would make it.

4. Imagine you woke up and saw a dinosaur in your backyard. Write a story telling what you see and do.

5. Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name of your restaurant. Explain what the restaurant looks like, who works there, and what you serve.

6. Write a story titled, “My Journey on a Pirate Ship.” You and your friends can star in the story.

7. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? Describe the pet and how you would take care of it.

8. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If you do, tell what they’re like. If not, tell whether or not you would like to have a brother or sister.

9. If you could have lunch with any famous person who would it be? What would you talk about with this person?

10. Write a story titled, “The Bat Who Couldn’t Fly.”

11. Imagine you were a wonderful painter and your parents would let you paint anything you wanted on your bedroom walls. What would you paint? Use lots of details to describe your artwork.

12. Describe the oldest person you know.

13. Describe the youngest person you know.

14. Do you think a monkey would make a good pet? Explain why or why not.

15. How old were you four years ago? Describe some things you can do now that you could not do then.

16. Imagine you worked at a football stadium. What would your job be? (examples: quarterback, cheerleader, coach, referee, ticket seller) Describe what you would do while you were on the job.

17. What do you like best about your home?

18. If you could be on any game show, what would it be? Describe what happens when you’re on the show.

19.  Who has been your favorite teacher or school staff member?  Explain why they are important to you.

20. Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season.

21. Write a story titled, “The Baby Dragon.”

22. Describe several ways a person your age can earn money.

23. Would you want to visit the moon? Why or why not?

24. If you could spend an afternoon with one member of your extended family, who would it be? Tell why you chose this person and tell what you do together.

25. Which superpower would you most like to have– invisibility, super strength, or the ability to fly? Describe what kinds of things you would do with your powers.

26. Think of a time when you’ve won something. Tell what you won and how you won it.

27. Invent a new kind of sandwich. Describe what is on it and how you would make it.

28. Describe one thing you’re really good at.

29. Imagine you were twenty feet tall. Describe what life would be like.

30. If you were a doctor, what kind of doctor would you be? (examples: children’s doctor, veterinarian, eye doctor, dentist) Tell what your job would be like.

If your child is interested in doing a computerized journal entry, I suggest letting them respond to this blog entry.  I would love to read them and comment on their writing.  Consider this as an option as well.

Shelfari: Personalized Electronic Bookshelf


Another great resource for both students and families is Shelfari.  This is an electronic bookshelf that documents all books that an individual has read.  It also allows the reader to rate the book and add a short summary.  This is another way to reinforce both reading and writing.  The address is listed in the links section in this blog.  Happy reading!

Have a wonderful day,

Mrs. Walker

2nd Grade Author Night:

 The second graders at Amelia Elementary are authors! They have worked very hard writing, editing, revising, and illustrating their books.   The teachers at Amelia were awarded a Learning Links grant, which helped to pay for the publishing of each child’s book.  At Author Night, each second grade author had a seat at the Author’s Table, to sign the books and share them with a very large crowd of guests.   The books turned out wonderful, and best of all, the students got to have the experience of being a celebrated author.

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Walk-a-thon Fun:

Walk-a-thon was so much fun!  Enjoy the photo slide-show from today’s festivities 🙂

The classrooms in each grade level that collected the most donations will receive an extra recess and pizza party.  The winners are:

  • Mrs. Berchtold’s AM Preschool Class
  • Miss Michael’s AM Kindergarten Class
  • Mrs. Ary’s 1st Grade Class
  • Mrs. Knapke’s 2nd Grade Class
  • Mrs. Burnheimer’s 3rd Grade Class
  • Mr. MacFarland’s 4th Grade Class
  • Mrs. Fowler’s 5th Grade Class

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OAA Spirit Day- Dress for Success:

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  Amelia students were dressed for success today during another OAA spirit day.  A building full of adorable students in dresses, suits and ties… absolutely ADORABLE!